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What is Street Smart Awareness Heidi Gutekunst?

In the book, Street Smart Awareness and Inquiry-in-Action we present practices that are simple and manageable, underpinned by sophisticated techniques that will open up your thinking and acting, and develop and enrich your everyday life both at work and beyond. Our starting point will not be a review of the considerable research and frameworks for transforming leadership—we will jump right into the practice. We wanted to make them available for a larger audience in more accessible – Street Smart – language.


In the book we present practices that are simple and manageable, underpinned by sophisticated techniques that will open up your thinking and acting, and develop and enrich your everyday life both at work and beyond.

Amara provides support for individuals keen to develop their leadership capacity independently or as part of an organisational programme. We offer an opportunity for individuals who are, themselves or their organisation, facing a major challenge or transition

The Global Leadership Profile (GLP) is a both a self-assessment procedure and a professionally-scored profile tool that identifies a person’s developmental leadership action-logic. Each of us is enacting our life at work and at home through a certain characteristic way of interacting and inquiring with others.