Case study: Organisational transformation in the public sector – a shift from a solid and traditional to an agile and empowering culture

9 min read
Category: Case Studies

In this short case study by Annette Hennessy and Jane Allen, the transformation story of Merseyside Probation Trust and that of Annette herself are published for the first time. In her time as CEO, Annette managed to drive significant change and transform the organisation towards a more collaborative and empowering way of leadership and culture.

Self-organising – creating structures that liberate

4 min read
Category: Blog

In this blog, Lisa Markwick writes about her thoughts and reactions to the theme of self-organising, drawing inspiration from Amara’s recent webinar. As this blog is being released, she is preparing the second round of the Power of Three – Towards Self-Organising programme together with Heidi Gutekunst. The programme is open for any organisation interested … Continued

Leadership in self-organising, keynote with Bill Torbert and Frederic Laloux

Category: Video

In this talk from the Amara Adventure conference in Helsinki, Finland back in 2015, Bill Torbert and Frederic Laloux discuss leadership in the context of self-organising and Teal organisations. The questions discussed were raised by the participants of the conference, touching on themes of wholeness, fear, letting go, role modelling, feedback and listening.

Conversations about reinventing organisations and leadership in self-organising

Category: Video

In this video from 2015, Amara’s CEO Heidi Gutekunst interviews Frederic Laloux and Bill Torbert about reinventing organisations, the concept of wholeness and the leadership maturity required to be able to lead or initiate a self-organising culture. The talk is part of our Amara Adventure conference that was organised in Helsinki, Finland in September 2015.

Self-organising: The impact of mature leadership in co-organising

5 min read
Category: Blog

In this blog Amara’s CEO and co-founder Heidi Gutekunst writes about the impact of leadership maturity for the success in implementing self-organising structures. She makes the case that oftentimes those who say that self-organising is “a nice idea but does not work in our organisation”, might be missing an integral part of the puzzle: vertical … Continued

How do trust and psychological safety affect performance?

4 min read
Category: Blog

A culture of trust and psychological safety is often dichotomised with performance. But is it really true that it’s one or the other? Or could people in trusting and psychologically safe working cultures actually perform better? In this blog Johan Mellerup Traekjaer writes about the connection of trust and psychological safety to energy management, and … Continued